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Colorado Medical Exemption Program

Residential customers who meet specific medical and income qualifications can receive financial assistance through the Colorado Medical Exemption Program or CMEP.

Customers enrolled in CMEP will pay a flat rate for electricity. The rate is $0.11094 per kilowatt-hour of electricity used and will be in effect year-round. Participants will continue to pay for all other riders and charges on their Black Hills Energy bill, including the monthly customer charge.

The CMEP is overseen and administered by Chronic Care Collaborative, an independent non-profit organization.


Eligibility requirements

In order to be accepted into the program, customers must meet certain eligibility requirements.

  • Applicants must be a Black Hills Energy electric customer in Colorado and have 12 months of consecutive billing history with the Company.
  • Applicants must have medical conditions that require essential medical equipment.   Qualifying equipment includes home dialysis, oxygen, CPAP machines, electric wheelchairs.
  • Household income must be 400% of the Federal Poverty Level or less.

Apply for CMEP

Download the informational sheet then apply by downloading and printing an application form.

Descarga la hoja de información en español. Aplicar descargando e imprimiendo un formulario de solicitud. Solicitud del Programa de Exención Médica de Colorado en español.

To request an application be mailed to you, call Chronic Care Collaborative at 303-993-5056.

You must sign and complete the patient form (front page) and have your health care provider sign and complete the Health Care Provider Certification Form (back page).

Fax your completed application to Chronic Care Collaborative at 303-955-7538

Or mail to:

CCC-Energy Program
PO Box 461657
Aurora, CO 80015-9998