Black Hills Cares
At Black Hills Energy, we pride ourselves on always being ready. That’s why we have our Black Hills Cares program. It supports our neighbors who are struggling to pay their energy bills. Because if we’ve learned anything over the years, it’s that we all need a little extra help now and then. In the past 16 years, Black Hills Cares provided more than $9.1 million in customer, employee and company donations to assist those in need. In 2023 alone, 4,703 families received assistance from Black Hills Cares funds.
To be connected with partner agencies who distribute Black Hills Cares funds, contact the agency listed below for your community.
Arkansas 211/United Way of Northwest Arkansas
Dial 2-1-1 or 866-489-6983 to speak with an Arkansas 211 community resource specialist, text your zip code to 898-211 (TXT211) or search resources at Arkansas211.org.
Please note: your donation and related basic information will be passed along to Energy Outreach Colorado.
Energy Outreach Colorado
City: Statewide
Website: energyoutreach.org
Email: info@energyoutreach.org
Phone: 303-825-8750
Hawkeye Area Community Action Program
City: Hiawatha
Website: hacap.org
Phone: 712-792-9266
IMPACT Community Action Program
City: Des Moines
Website: impactcap.org
Phone: 515-518-4770
Matura Action Corp.
City: Creston
Website: maturacommunityaction.com
Phone: 641-782-8431
Mid-Iowa Community Action
City: Marshalltown
Website: micaonline.org
Phone: 641-752-7162
New Opportunities Inc.
City: Carroll
Website: newopp.org
Phone: 712-792-9266
North Iowa Community Action Organization
City: Mason City
Website: nicao-online.org
Phone: 641-423-7766
Northeast Iowa Community Action Agency
City: Dubuque
Website: neicac.org/
Northeast Iowa Community Action Corp.
City: Decorah
Website: neicac.org
Phone: 563-382-8436
Operation Threshold
City: Waterloo
Website: operationthreshold.org
Phone: 319-291-2065
Upper Des Moines Opportunity Inc.
City: Estherville
Website: udmo.com
Phone: 800-245-6151
West Central Community Action Agency
City: Harlan
Website: westcentralca.org
Phone: 712-755-5135
The Salvation Army FBO Heatshare
City: Kansas City
Website: centralusa.salvationarmy.org
Phone: 211 in Kansas
Warm Hearts of Douglas County
City: Lawrence
Website: warmheartsofdouglascounty.com/apply
Phone: 211 in Kansas
South Dakota
Christian Life Center, Compassion Cupboard
City: Belle Fourche
Website: clcsd.org
Phone: 605-892-4767
Church Response
City: Rapid City
Website: facebook.com/ChurchResponse
Phone: 605-342-5360
Custer Ministerial Association
City: Custer
Phone: 605-673-4090
Hot Springs Ministerial Assoc.
City: Hot Springs
Website: hsministerial.org
Email: hsmafp@gmail.com
Newell - Vale - Nisland Ministerial Assoc.
City: Newell
Email: newellcf@outlook.com
Website: www.newellcf.church
Phone: 605-210-2072
Salvation Army of the Black Hills
City: Spearfish
Website: centralusa.salvationarmy.org/blackhills
Email: ronda.kreber@usc.salvationarmy.org
Phone: 605-342-0982
Salvation Army of the Black Hills
City: Rapid City
Website: centralusa.salvationarmy.org/blackhills
Email: ronda.kreber@usc.salvationarmy.org
Phone: 605-342-0982
Sturgis Alliance of Churches
City: Sturgis
Website: facebook.com/pages/category/Religious-Organization/Sturgis-Alliance-of-Churches
Phone: 605-720-3579
Energy Share of Wyoming c/o Align
City: Cheyenne
Website: energyshareofwyoming.org
Email: info@theAlignTeam.org
Phone: 307-772-9100
- Energy Share of Wyoming does NOT accept applications year-round. The application/donation "season" runs from December 1 through April 30 each year, or until ESW funds are exhausted.
- Clients are encouraged to apply for utility bill payment assistance through the LIEAP program first, before applying for Energy Share of Wyoming funds.
- Clients who qualify for Energy Share funds may receive a ONE TIME (per season) check for up to $400 to assist with payment of electric, natural gas, or propane utility bills.
Newcastle Ministerial Assoc.
City: Newcastle
Phone: 307-746-3618
How you can help
There are several ways to give.
If you pay your bill electronically, sign up in your online account to make a recurring monthly donation by clicking the Donate button on your dashboard. There are a few days during the billing cycle when this option isn’t available from your dashboard. At any time, the online donation form is available to make a one-time donation. Or you can mail your donation to P.O. Box 6006, Rapid City, SD 57709.
If you donate through round-up or a recurring monthly amount, we’ll add that amount to your utility bill until you let us know to discontinue your enrollment. At any time, you can change or stop your donation online or you can call us at 888-890-5554
Black Hills Cares is a program of the Black Hills Corp. Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All contributions to the Foundation are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.